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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Olympic Champion

Have you ever held an Olympic gold medal?

We have!

Kiwi Joe Sullivan won a gold medal for rowing at the 2012 London Olympics. 

He came to Wentworth School to tell us all about the challenges he faced, and how he overcame them to become the best rower in the world.

Joe was inspiring and he made us all think about what WE could achieve if we work hard like he did.

 And... he let us all hold his Olympic gold medal!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Science Week

This week was Science Week.

We went to Kelly Tarlton's aquarium...

And went to the college where the Year 13 scientists showed us some of their neat experiments.

Senior Science Day

This week, the College had a Science Day, and the Kea class were invited.

We learnt about pulses, both the food type of pulse and the pulse which you can feel in your body.

We took part in some exciting experiments which involved amazing colour changes and funny noises.